Practise your keyboard skills

I thought you might like to practise some of your keyboard skills over the holidays. Dance Mat Typing is a great place to practise. It teaches you where to put your fingers and before you know it you will be able to touch type without looking at your fingers! Have a go at the first level and then see how far you can go.  Mrs.K

Practise your typing

Have you had a go? Are you better at typing? Can you type some letters without looking ? (I can’t!)

Games to play

This week our Show and Tell topic was to bring a game to share. The children had to tell us the rules and organise themselves into groups to play them. Have you played these games? Perhaps during the holidays you could play some board games with your family. What is your favourite game? Why do you like it?

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What stars you are!

Room 4, you should be very proud of yourselves. What a magnificent job you did with the Aladdin performances! Your costumes were wonderful! Here is a slideshow of your costumes so that you can remember how fantastic you looked. Please let me know what you thought of performing in front of such big audiences.

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