Mrs. K's holiday

Hi there, I am in sunny Queensland on the Gold Coast. The weather has been beautiful with lots of sunshine. Can you believe that people are wearing shorts and t-shirts? When we left Adelaide it was about 12 degrees and yesterday it was 21 up here. Maybe that’s why it’s called the Gold Coast. Lots of golden sand, golden sunshine and golden weather. Yesterday we saw some whales frolicking in the ocean. There were lots of surfers catching waves on their surfboards. I’ve been doing lots of shopping!!!!! These photos show you where I’m staying.

I am staying here.

I am staying here.

Sitting by the pool.

Sitting by the pool.

Can you see the frog watching the waves?

Can you see the frog watching the waves?

2 thoughts on “Mrs. K's holiday

  1. Mrs Kolenberg – you look like you are having fun relaxing.
    I’m still in Adelaide and I’m wearing my jeans AND a long sleeved jumper AND a scarf to try and keep warm. I hope you have remembered to Slip Slop Slap and Wrap as you sit by the pool. Are you going to swim IN the pool later?
    Keep having a good time.
    From Mrs Nelson

  2. Wow! what a beautiful holiday mrs. Kolenberg. I’d love to swim in that pool. I’m not aloud to swm in my pool yet. Your holiday looks a bit like my holiday when I went to Queensland.

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