7 thoughts on “

  1. to ms k

    my names Erin from mr Palmers class at thiele p.s.
    I hope youve been looking after are Frogs.
    Did you know our hopping mice have had babies.

    signed Erin.

  2. Dear Mrs Kolenberg and Room 4
    What a wonderful surprise we got this morning when we looked in our Science area. Thank you for borrowing the Green Tree Frogs from Thiele PS for us. We’ve already learnt that they need to eat live crickets for their food. We hope we see them eating one day. We already like them a lot. Do you know how old the frogs are? Do you know where Thiele PS got them from?
    From Room 3 and Mrs Nelson

  3. Dear Room 4
    Thank you for commenting on our Blog. We would LOVE to have a neighbours lunch outside together. The weather is going to be warm and sunny in the next few days. Maybe we can do it soon?
    From your friendly Room 3 neighbours

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