7 thoughts on “Our Favourite Fiction Books

  1. Mrs Kolenberg and class,
    We have enjoyed reading your class blog, wow!
    We are sharing our favourite books next week for show and tell, I wonder if we will have the same as anyone in your class?
    Happy reading! Miss Harry and Room 20

  2. Hi Room 4 Neighbours and Book Lovers!
    I really liked listening to your AudioBoo recordings. You have chosen some wonderful books as your favourites. Annalise I love the ‘Rainbow Fish’ too.
    Also CONGRATULATIONS – you have had just over 1,000 visitors to your blog. Your visitors have come from all over the world. You should be very proud of your blog.
    From your Room 3 friends and Mrs Nelson.

  3. Love hearing your voices on the blog explaining your favourite books. Its would seem that Aiden’s Book AARRHH Spider came true for me. I had a spider fall on me in the shower the other morning. I yelled AARRHH spider – but nobody came. (they said they didn’t hear me) I think he might have gone AARRHH human at the same time…. So I scooped him up and put him outside. He was only about the size of a 20c piece, but i thought he was much bigger at the time. I’m not scared of spiders – but I am terrified of snakes!!! So i am glad it wasn’t a snake that fell from the roof. I’m pretty sure our family would have heard me yell if it was a snake!!

  4. What wonderful boks you have all chosen to share!
    Books are one of my favourite things – I love to read! Books are fun, and a great way to learn.
    Keep up the amazing reading efforts Room 4, and remember to ALWAYS enjoy your reading!

  5. Hi Mrs. K and Room 4,
    It was great to hear that you have started sending your postcards – have you got any back yet?

    I like your idea about using audio boo to record your ideas about your books. We are looking at book reviews this term and this might be a nice way to present our ideas.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Also, did you know that we are a Year 2 class but we are also 6 and 7 years old. Isn’t it interesting that even though we are the same age, in Australia, you class is called Year 1!

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