Mind Maps- An aspect of our Inquiry Unit

Do you know what a mind map is? It’s a way of recording your thoughts. You start with a Central Idea and then link your thoughts about the topic. Your mind map may have lots of links or just a few.

 The children worked on a mind map today. They had to think about what makes a great working group.

There was lots of thinking and writing.




Together the children shared their ideas. I was amazed at what they were able to come up with.





Here are two mind maps. The children shared their thoughts as a whole group.



We are developing an understanding of good group work in preparation for the rest of our Unit of Inquiry, which is planning a trip!! As a small group the children will be investigating the processes involved in organising an excursion. Each group will the present their plans to the whole unit so that we can make a decision on a suitable learning excursion for us all to go on.










4 thoughts on “Mind Maps- An aspect of our Inquiry Unit

  1. Wow! What a busy class. Your brains must be huge because you learning so much together. You are keeping the tooth fairy busy too!

  2. It looks like you were all thinking so hard that there was no noise. In fact it must have been so quiet that a few of you look like you fell asleep – or thinking real hard with your eyes closed.

  3. You all sure look like you are thinking hard. When you are older you will learn about the thinking hats. Its very interesting using a different coloured hat to think about different parts of the same question. Its very important to not just have one way of doing things and to explore lots of different ways to look at the same question. Its called ‘thinking outside the square’. I think kids are better at it than adults, as they are open to new ideas. Maybe we should all stay kids. Or at least our brains should…..

  4. Hi everyone, I’m missing you heaps. Looks like you are having a great time doing mind maps, can someone show me when I get back to school. Wow, those are awesome cards that you all made me. Made me very happy and special. I loved it. I still feel a bit yucky but getting better everyday. I’m playing lots of my DS and WII, mum bought me a new DS Transformers Dark of the Moon game, I’m on level six already. And I’m doing lots of drawing too. Bye see ya soon. From Sam.

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