A visiting koala

 Watch the visit today of a koala. He walked across the road, up the driveway of another house  and climbed a tree in their yard!

Click on the Koala and it will take you straight to TUMBLR.

9 thoughts on “A visiting koala

  1. Dear Mrs Kolenberg
    How exciting to have a koala as a special visitor wandering around in your garden! He or she looked very calm as he/she wandered through your patio and along the side of your house. The green parrots didn’t seem very happy to have him in their back yard though. i wonder if you will hear him grunting and growling in the gum trees? How clever to video and post it to Tumblr. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure all Room 4 will be excited to see the video. I wonder what koala stories they will have to tell you? From Mrs Nelson

  2. How lucky are we to have Koalas in our trees. I often look around the school and spot one, sometimes they even have their babies on their backs or snuggled up on their tummy . If you look in the park around the happy valley reservoir there are often kangaroos as well.. We always look to see if we can find them. We love living in this area, as we are spoilt by all this wonderful wildlife. Have you noticed that when someone spots a koala in a tree at school, everyone stops to have a look… It never gets tiring to see them!

  3. A koala visits our garden sometimes. Usually he sits in our neighbour’s trees but it is very exciting when he sits in our tree. He seems very friendly and comes down low to look at us.

  4. We are so lucky to live in an area where we often get a visit from a koala.
    Our school must have some very “koala friendly” trees surrounding it, because we often get the pleasure of seeing these very special visitors!

  5. Hello Mrs K and the children in Year 1,

    Thank you for leaving a comment on our blog. I loved watching your video of the koala visiting your garden as we only see koalas in captivity in Tasmania. We do have possums visit gardens sometimes. Do you see many koalas? Are they always as calm as the one in the video?

    Mrs S

    • Mrs.S. thank you for looking at our blog! Isn’t it great to have lots of “blogging buddies” watching the terrific things we are all doing in our classes. We do see lots of koalas often at Craigburn. Some of them are easy for us to see in the playground at recess and lunch times. We are very lucky to have a school in the hills.
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

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