We've received a postcard!

Great news! Today we received a postcard from White Hills Primary School in Bendigo, Victoria. We are part of the postcard project. For more information and to see our postcard, visit our new “The Postcard Project” page.


3 thoughts on “We've received a postcard!

  1. How exciting! On Tuesday I will meet the grade one students at my school for the first time this school year. Over the first week I will probably have all 60+ grade one students pass through my classroom until we find out who will actually get to stay in my classroom for the year. Like you, there are more than one grade one classes at my school. We don’t actually know who will be in our classes until we know who shows up. I’m so excited to meet them all, and then finally have my own class for the school year. We will also be part of the postcard project. Hopefully we can find postcards that say Surrey, BC, Canada but if not we’ll send you one from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ms. Lirenman

  2. Hi Guys,
    We were so excited to see ‘our’ postcard on your website today! Jordan was excited to see his writing on the internet! We are patiently waiting to receive postcards from other schools. We loved looking at your blog. We all thought it is cool!
    From Grade 1 Briggs

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