
We had Erin visit us from Footsteps today.Footsteps is a dance program where children learn a variety of dances from different genre in a fun and co-operative way. We learnt the Tarzan and Jane dance. It is an individual dance but later on we we have partner dances. We learnt the correct (and nice) way to accept a dance. Visit

to see a video of our dance.



6 thoughts on “Footsteps

  1. What cool music! You all look like you are having so much fun – I wish I could join in!
    We never had the chance to do fun things like Footsteps when I was at school – you are all very lucky!

  2. We think the girls did a fantastic job of their dance in Craigburns Got Talent! We are very proud of Annalise and the gilrs for coming 3rd! xo

  3. We think the girls did a fantastic job of their dance in Craigburns Got Talent! We are very proud of Annalise and the girls for coming 3rd! xo

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