Creating An Avatar-Student Challenge

We have joined the Student Blogging Challenge and this week one challenge is to make our own Avatars. An avatar is a picture representation of the user.

Can you recognise us from our Avatars?
What do you think of our Avatars?
Please leave us a comment and let us know.

8 thoughts on “Creating An Avatar-Student Challenge

  1. WOW! The students in Craigburn have done a great job creating their avatars for the blogging challenge.

    Please read the comment I left on Mrs Nelson’s post so you can learn how to add a link back to the student blogging challenge.

    That way I will know when you have written a post and I will be able to come and leave a comment.

  2. Congratulations Room 4 – your avatars have turned out so well. I think I am pretty clever at guessing who the avatars are. i wonder if I am right. Did you make avatars that look like you? I notice that 8 of you have dogs and there are only 2 cats. I wonder if that is true for the pets you have? I’m looking forward to seeing what other challenges we have to do – are you?
    From Mrs Nelson and your Room 3 neighbours

  3. Hi Mrs Kolenberg, I was wondering what textbook you will use with your class for numeracy/ maths next year. We are following the new Australian Curriculum and are probably not going to put one on the booklist but I’m still wondering whether this is the right decision…

  4. Love these avatars. They are all so cool. Is Aiden the red haired guy with the guitar? The little puppies are super cute as well. We might make our own at home!!

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