Welcome To Term 4

Hello everyone. Welcome to Term 4. I hope you all had a terrific holiday and did lots of fun things.

I am sure this term will go very quickly and before we know it Christmas will be here!

When you come into our room you will notice that our frog visitors have gone back to Thiele Primary School. It was great being able to watch them and how quickly they could move when the crickets went in!

Luckily for us we have new visitors and I’m sure we will have lots of fun observing their interaction with each other.

We have Hopping Mice! They are a native Australian animal and luckily they don’t need a permit to be kept in captivity.

Here is a photo of Hopping Mice taken by Stephen Barnett. The photo was found on Flickr.

Hopping mice are very busy little animals as you can see from this YouTube clip!

What do you know about Hopping Mice? What would you like to know about them?

Do you know what they eat?

Let us know by leaving a comment. We would love to read your responses.

24 thoughts on “Welcome To Term 4

  1. Hi Room 4 friends and Mrs Kolenberg.
    We have loved having the Hopping Mice join us in the unit. Thank you Mrs Kolenberg for organising their visit with Mr Palmer from Thiele Primary School. Was it very hard to move the mice to our school? Did they stay in the cage when you moved them? Did you have to take the log out to stop them from being squished by it rolling on to them?
    We are looking forward to learning lots about Hopping Mice. we already think they are very cute.
    From Room 3 and Mrs Nelson

  2. They are so cute. I can’t wait to see them. They sure look like busy little critters. We are so lucky to have such wonderful wildlife in Australia. Will look forward to coming in and meeting them soon.

  3. I am going to get a guinea pig after Christmas, which are a little bit like a hopping mice. It would be a little bit scary if the hopping mice jumped all around us in the classroom, I think I would have to stand up on my chair!

  4. I saw the hopping mice yesterday morning, they were so cute. My friend had a hopping mouse when I was a little girl, and we used to play with it in her cubby house. Sienna tells me hopping mice eat carrots and apple – I didn’t know much at all about hopping mice so thanks Sienna. I’m looking forward to hearing and learning more about them.

    • Hello Sonja and Sienna. It was great to read your comments in my emails this morning! Thank you for taking the time to comment because we love to read them! I love the hopping mice, they are very cute. Sienna, you will have lots of fun with your guinea pig, I’m sure!
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

  5. I don’t know much about hopping mice. I wonder do they hop about alot? Sam says they do, I’m a bit sacred of little animals scattering around my feet. Do hopping mice squeak like white mice? Could someone please teach me what noise do they make?

    • Hello Danielle. I agree, the hopping mice are cute aren’t they? Thank you for sharing your cucumber with them. I will have to go to school on the weekend and give them some more. I am so glad you commented on the blog. Well done! Have a lovely weekend with your family.
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

    • They certainly are! Today I collected some weeds with seeds on them and they had a lovely time eating them! Thanks for commenting on our blog. We love to read them.
      Mrs. Kolenberg

  6. We loved watching the video of the mice. They’re very very cute and very active. They are constantly on the go. I like coming into the class and seeing the hopping mice.

  7. I like coming into the class and seeing the hopping mice, they are always so busy and they are very very cute to look at.

  8. When I was in highschool we had Hopping Mice – you are all so lucky to have them in year 1. I hope they don’t escape like ours did.

    • Hi Jane, I hope they don’t escape too! I don’t think they would like to have 50 children chasing after them. Thanks for your comment and keep watching for the announcement of our excursion!
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

  9. so how do you know they hop. As they are nocturnal and they sleep all day have you seen them do it or do you have to wait till it gets dark ?

  10. Dear mrs kolonburg
    I’m at poppy’s home I was going to write a letter to you. I am sick happy birthday lottie and how did the Assembly go.

  11. Hi Everybody
    I am Analise’s Poppy it is so good to be looking after her today she is feeling much better now.And this is a special day for both of us

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