Planning An Excursion

Last term we worked with Mrs. Langham in the Library as part of our Unit of Inquiry. Our Unit involved working together in groups to plan a learning excursion and then present their ideas to Rooms 3 and 4.



Here we are with our new I-Pads. Most of them belong in the Library and we have one to use in our classroom.





We went to the Library once a week for Resource Based Learning. As a group, we chose some places we’d like to visit. We then researched them for things like distance from school, price and the learning outcomes. We had to work co-operatively with each other in order to make a successful descision.





These photos show you what we did in the Library to prepare for our presentations.



Stay tuned to see the presentations and our voting! 

6 thoughts on “Planning An Excursion

    • Ben you must be looking on the blog just at the right time! Please thank your Mum for her fabulous comments as well. She gives us such positive feedback. The presentations today were fantastic! Every group had researched their excursion destination so well Mrs. Nelson and I are very excited about the excursion we will go on. We can’t wait!
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

  1. The children seem to get so much enjoyment from using the ipads. What a useful resource to have at your fingertips!
    I look forward to seeing the results of your votes!

  2. Wow how exciting! Im so jealous that the kids get to use an Ipad.. they are so lucky…

    What great work kids keep it up… Cant wait to find out where you will be going on excursion.. I wonder if I could come too!

  3. I am very impressed that you are learning how to plan an excursion especially by using a mind map. This is a great tool and you will use it lots as you get older.

    I’m looking forward to hearing where you decide to go on your excursion.

  4. Ipads are so cool. You are lucky to be able to use them at school. I can’t wait to find out which excursion you will be going on.

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