And the Winner is………..

At Last…… we can now announce the result of the vote to determine where we will be going for our excursion.

We are going to the Toy Factory at Gumeracha and Melba’s Chocolate Factory!

The excursion has been booked for Wednesday 23rd November.


Please take some time to watch the following  presentations. I am sure you will be very impressed and perhaps you could go to these places as a family!

Adelaide Goal

Untitled from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

 Monarto Zoo

Monarto Zoo from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

The Tramway Museum and St. Kilda Playground

Tramway Museum from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

The Toy Factory and Melba’s Chocolate Factory

12 thoughts on “And the Winner is………..

  1. Wow Wow Wow, what great presentations, a big congratulation to everyone and the hard work you all put in, and congratulations to the winning team. I’m sure you will all have a great time at the rocking horse and Melba’s. It sounds like you have some extra ideas for more excusions as well.

  2. This is fantastic. The Toy Factory and Melbas might be the winner this time, but the other excursion ideas were all amazing. I think we might do some of these in the Christmas holidays. I hope you all get to sample some of the yummy chocolates… Yum. Well done everyone, this was just terrific.

  3. I wached the video of the Adelaid Hills.Im exited to go to the Adelaid Hills.I love going on excursions.I remember the Reef excursion and the Hermagestys theater.Ilove excursions.

  4. What great presentations and how cool that you are going to the toy factory and Melba’s. Bailey is correct we have been there before but it is always fun to do these things again when you are a little older. Have fun guys – I wish I didn’t have to work :(.

  5. Wow, I love the presentations you made to chose where to go on your excursion. Although I live in Canada I have been to the big rocking horse in South Australia! It made me smile to see the picture as a reminder of my excellent year in your country. I need to save some money so I can come back and visit Australia.

    Ms. Lirenman
    Bonaccord Elementary
    Surrey, BC, Canada

  6. Mrs. Lirenman! How cool that you have been to the rocking horse! Mrs. Kolenberg thinks that is amazing. You have a great picture in your mind of what it looks like. We are very excited about our excursion. This term is going so quickly. We would love to see you if you could come back to Australia. Did you know that your other blogging friend from Craigburn (Mrs. Nelson) is coming to Canada next year?
    From Mrs. Kolenberg

  7. How exciting to hear that Mrs. Nelson is coming to Canada. I wonder if she’s be near our part of Canada. Canada, like Australia, is a very big country.

    I hope you will keep checking the post. Someone from my class has put a post card in the mail to your class.

    Ms. Lirenman

    (It is Ms. Lirenman by the way, not Mrs. Lirenman – that belonged to my mother and my grandmother and now belongs to my aunt and sister in laws.

  8. WOW CAN I PLEASE COME!! I luvvvvv Chocolate and I think the Big Rocking Horse is the Best! Especially when you get to climb all the way to the top!

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