Welcome to 2012!!

It’s going to be a fabulous year with lots of exciting things happening! We are on holidays until the end of January. Room 4 will have a brand new class of Year One children. 

Please visit our Blog often to catch up on things that are happening. We look forward to reading your comments when we come back to school.

Stay tuned to find out details of our upcoming Quadblogging Project.

Celebration Night

It’s that time of year when fun Christmas activities are in full swing. Last night Craigburn Primary School had its Celebration Night. All the school community was invited to watch the classes present many great dance items. It was a little chilly and the rain threatened but it was a fantastic night. The classes did an amazing job. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year.


We performed with Mrs. Nelson and Miss Harry’s classes. Our item called “Every day is a party” was great fun to sing and perform. The children looked very colourful in their Christmas clothes and tinsel.

They did an amazing job at singing and performing. Please visit TUMBLR to watch the dance.

Well done to all the children!

Hopping Mice

Attribution to oceanwideimages.com

Today I took the Hopping Mice home and put them in my laundry for the holidays. When it got a little dark in there and I put in some seed grass for them, the mice all came awake and had a lovely time running around the cage. If you have a look at the Tumblr you can watch them being very busy.

Celebrating Year One – 2011 Highlights

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

We have had a very busy year working alongside our Room 3, Year One friends.  Year One has been fun and fulfilling.  We look forward to continuing our life’s journeys as confident learners.

We hope you enjoy watching a collection of photos showing the highlights of our 2011, Year One journey!

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Be Active Challenge

Earlier this year we took part in the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. We had to do at least 60 minutes of exercise 5 days a week for 4 weeks. We recorded our activities in a log book. We really enjoyed being active and we got fit and healthy at the same time. When we finished Mrs. Kolenberg entered our name into the Be Active data base. Today we received a bronze medal for our efforts. We were very pleased to get them. For some of us this is the first medal we have ever had.

Congratulations Anthony

Room 4 would like to congratulate Anthony for earning 1026 points on Mathletics. Click on the Mathletics picture to find out more details.

This has earned him a gold certificate! Anthony has spent a lot of time improving his maths skills on the site and has played Live Mathletics with many friends from around the world.

Well done Anthony!