We have new Quadblogging Buddies for the start of 2012.
Quadblogging involves a four week cycle with four schools anywhere in the world who blog. Each school’s blog is the focus for one week out of four. Each school in the Quad spends some time visiting the blog of the school for that week, leaving comments etc. After that week, another one of the four schools becomes the focus. Engagement and motivation is raised as children become the teachers and not just learners, teaching others about their culture and school life.
We are very fortunate to have 2 schools from England and one from France!
The details of each Blog is on our Quadblogging Page. Please visit their sites to look at their fabulous learning and leave a positive comment.
The week beginning January 9th is the start of our Quadblogging.The first school is Roydon Primary School in England. We are still on holidays so Mrs. K will do her best to visit our new friends and put comments onto their blogs.
We are very global!