Puppet Making

It was with much anticipation that we prepared for our puppet making lesson. We had looked at puppet books to see the many types of puppets that could be made. Together we brainstormed the things we might need and we wrote procedures in our Inquiry books so that we knew the order to successfully complete our puppets.
Today was the day when we made them! Oh what wonderful creations the children made! It was two solid hours of drawing, cutting, pasting, hot glue gunning, unpulling, redesigning, talking, helping, thinking and completing!!
It was fantastic to see the children so engrossed in their work. It took persistance to come up with a model the children were happy with. Everyone was so proud of their creations and I was proud to see how well everyone worked.
Room 4 could not have made such lovely puppets without the help of the Mums. A big thankyou to you!
Today was one of our “BEST” days!

Making Our Puppets on PhotoPeach

A Visit From Phil Cummings

We were so lucky to have the author Phil Cummings speak to us today. He told about where he gets his ideas for books from. As soon as he gets an idea he has to write them down. Do you know he has even written the outline of a story on a Qantas sick bag?! It might take up to a year to write a book and then many years until it is ready to be published.He needs Persistance and Resilience because the publishers often send Phil’s work back to him with corrections he needs to make. Phil can’t draw very well so he has to find an illustrator to draw the pictures for him. Phil said that sometimes it takes avery long time before he has just the right word to add to a story. Phil Cummings told us some wonderful stories and he made us laugh a lot! We can’t wait to read some more of his wonderful stories!


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A Visit From Amy's Dad

Today we were lucky enough to have Amy’s dad come and talk to us. He is an Associate Professor at Flinders Medical Centre. He teaches medical students and also does research there.

He talked to us about the Nervous and Digestive systems. He brought along a model of the brain and we could take it apart. We learnt many interesting things about our brains and what happens to our food. We also learnt that it is very important to eat healthy foods and get lots of fibre.


Many thanks to Amy’s dad for sharing his great knowledge. We really enjoyed having him come and talk to us!

A Foggy Day At Craigburn

Wow, when we got to school today it was really, really foggy. It was so foggy we could hardly see the other side of the oval. Just before recess we went to the far end of the oval and Mrs. K took our photo.
Can you see us?
Have you had foggy days at your school? Have you had snow at your school?




The Digestive System

Some of the children in Room 4 have made a podcast. It is all about the Digestive System. Please listen to the podcast and you might learn some new things.

[podcast format=”video”]https://blogs.craigburn.sa.edu.au/room24/files/2012/06/Digestion-xd1g2v.m4a[/podcast]

Vokis of the Nervous system

Are you interested in finding out about the nervous system? 

Watch our vokis and you will be surprised with all the fantastic facts we found out during Resource Based Learning. We researched the nervous system and made vokis to show you our learning.

Did you enjoy watching our Vokis?

What did you learn about the nervous system?

Camp Quality Puppets

Today we were fortunate enough to have The McDonalds Camp Quality Puppets visit the students at Craigburn.The program they bring is an educational puppet show for primary school children. They use almost life-size puppets, and show how  children become more aware of the need to be caring and supportive of children who have cancer. The program also promotes anti-bullying and optimistic behaviours. 

The puppets were a great way to talk about a subject that affects many families.

Many thanks to the puppeteers for providing such a wonderful program.