Puppet Making

It was with much anticipation that we prepared for our puppet making lesson. We had looked at puppet books to see the many types of puppets that could be made. Together we brainstormed the things we might need and we wrote procedures in our Inquiry books so that we knew the order to successfully complete our puppets.
Today was the day when we made them! Oh what wonderful creations the children made! It was two solid hours of drawing, cutting, pasting, hot glue gunning, unpulling, redesigning, talking, helping, thinking and completing!!
It was fantastic to see the children so engrossed in their work. It took persistance to come up with a model the children were happy with. Everyone was so proud of their creations and I was proud to see how well everyone worked.
Room 4 could not have made such lovely puppets without the help of the Mums. A big thankyou to you!
Today was one of our “BEST” days!

Making Our Puppets on PhotoPeach

8 thoughts on “Puppet Making

  1. I thought everyone did such a good job today. The hardest bit was knowing how to start – it was good that we had thought about our designs before starting to make the puppets. Thank-you Mrs K!

  2. Guten Tag Kinder,
    Wow, I LOVED seeing the pictures of you all making your puppets and then of you with the final products! You should be very proud of yourselves. I’m sure a lot of planning and thought went into the entire process. Can’t wait to hear about the puppet plays!
    Auf Wiedersehen,
    Frau Smith (and Cameron)

  3. I was very proud of myself when I finished making my puppet. I had so much fun making it. Thank you Mrs K and all the mums that helped us.

  4. Oh Mrs K you’ve done it again! You do an absolute amazing job with all the children, then put their fantastic work with their beautiful smiling faces onto another terrific slide show. Incredible…. You are a star Mrs K. And to all the children, your faces showed everyone how proud you were of your puppets you had just made and so you should be. You have all done a beautiful job. Well done to all the smiling stars in room 4…

  5. Hi mrs kolenberg! I was in your class last year. Great puppets everyone. At my house I made a puppet. It has bell’s as hear googly eye’s. It was a socc puppet.
    From lucy
    p.s. you are a great teacher mrs kolenberg!

  6. Fantastic puppets Room 4. I like all the different types of puppets that you have made. You obviously did lots of planning before you started. Well done!
    Judi from HPS

  7. WOW, what awesome puppets!
    I bet it was loads of fun making them?
    Well done everyone 🙂

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