Place Value

Today in Maths we continued to learn about Place Value. In Year One we have to recognise,model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. We have to also understand the place value of numbers.

We have been working on this for a couple of weeks. Today we watched a fun Youtube video about Ones, Tens and Hundreds and we played the Bankers game (base 10 game). It was a fantastic way to reinforce the children’s learning.

Here is the video for you to look at:

We found a partner and together we rolled a dice and added ones, tens and hundreds blocks. We had to know at all times how many blocks we had. Here are some photos of us working.

We are going to play this game again. It was a fun way to learn about Place Value!

Open Night At Craigburn Primary School

Last night was Open Night. This is a night when family and friends can visit every class in our school and see all the great learning that is happening across the school. Specialist teachers also open their rooms so that parents who don’t get the opportunity to see all the great things their children do, can talk with their children about things taught.

What a great night it was! My room at times was completely full!  There were lots of discussions happening and parents talking to other parents about “how education has changed” and  “what a lovely place it is to be”.We had the i-pads and i-pods in use which proved to be very popular!

Many thanks to those visitors who posted a comment on our wall wisher. We loved reading them!


Book Week-Champions Read

We have had a lot of fun this week reading books that have been short listed for Book Week awards.We have read a variety of books both fiction and non fiction.
Room 4 are champions with their reading. We try to read each day. Mrs. K found a youtube video of some children singing about being champions. Thanks to Narelle Adams for allowing us to use her idea!

Here are the words to the song:

Read,read,read a book
Try to read each day.

Champions all love to read

To exercise their brain.


Read,read,read a book

It’s the thing to do

We can all be champions

If we read books too.


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Let's Party!

WhooHoo! Today was a party day to celebrate having 10,000 visitors to our blog. We had so much food! We had to have two sittings!

“It was our best lunch ever!” said Riley L    “Our lunch was fantastic.”

“I LOVED IT!” said Riley M                         Erin said “it was excellent!”

“There was very nice food” said Craig       Hannah said “the food went really quickly.”

“The party was great” said Jack H           “The food was delicious” said Kai


Super Tennis

We had a man called Shane come to Craigburn and teach us some tennis skills. We used rebound nets and soft balls. We caught the balls in nets. While were having our lesson it rained and we had to move.
It was great fun! The balls bounced a long way and we had a fun time trying to catch them!



Our Favourite Story Books

This week our Show and Tell is about our favourite Story Books. We used our i-pads to record our voices on AudioBoo. AudioBoo also lets you add a photo.
Mrs. K then embeded the code into our blog.
You can read the rest of our favourite stories on our page called “Favourite Books.”