It was Career Day at Craigburn Primary School. The older students had to dress up in clothes that depicted what they might like to be when they grew up. For the Junior Primary students, they could also dress-up like that or come in fancy dress.
We had lots of people dress up! Flynn came as an architect, Giverny came as a David Jones assistant, Otis was a soccer player and we had two pop stars.
Others came as super heroes, princesses, fairies, guards and gymnasts or calisthenics people.
Have a look at us wearing our special clothes!
You all looked wonderful in your “career” costumes!
I wonder if you will change your mind as to what you want to be when you grow up, or whether in 10 years time you will still have the same idea!
Room 4 – you all looked great in your costumes. There were lots of pretty fairies and princesses. Flynn looked very grown up being an architect and Giverny was very prepared as a David Jones worker. Well done Room 4.
From your Room 3 neighbours
Ben and I just watched this video, it was great!
it is lovely to see you all in your career day outfits. Well done!
Sharon (Amy’s mum).