4 thoughts on “A New Postcard

  1. Ben, I can’t believe how quick you were!! I had only just put that post on and you had commented. That must be a record for quick replies! Well done! I hope you are enjoying your holidays.
    From Mrs Kolenberg.

  2. Aloha Mrs. K and the Keiki of Craigburn Primary School, Room 4,
    There are 12 students in our class. Our school, called Hongwanji Mission School is in Honolulu, Hawaii, which is the capital of the state of Hawaii. We have Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science with Mrs. Lee. Our resource classes are Music, Computer, Japanese, Drama, Library, Religious Education (Buddhism) and PE. In March, we’ll hav swimming lessons in our school pool.
    School is great, especially when we Skype and can do things on our computer at home, like Mathletics and myON Reader.
    The best part about school is recess and lunchtime.
    Malama pono, (take care),
    Mrs. Lee and K-1

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