Charlotte's Web

Last term Rooms 3 and 4 read Charlotte’s Web. We read a chapter and then discussed what had happened and sometimes we drew pictures of what we could see in our mind. This was a perfect way to incorporate ‘Listening to Reading’ into our daily 5.As we were reading we discussed new words and used them as extension words in the Reading Cafe.We also watched a DVD of  Charlotte’s Web at the end of the term and compared the similarities and differences between the movie and the book. 

This term we are going to design our own comics using the Scholastic Charlotte’s Web Site. Hopefully you will see some of them in a future post.

Here is a link to take you to the site so that you can practise at home.

Have fun making a comic and tell us what you thought about making it. Did you also enjoy reading the book?


8 thoughts on “Charlotte's Web

  1. Do you know that I’ve got Charlotte’s Web 2. It’s called Wilbur’s great Adventure. I love Charlotte’s Web.It is funny when Templeton pops his head out.Do you like Charlotte’s Web ? Let me know from Tamika

    • Tamika! What a GREAT comment! You have written some information and then added a question. Fantastic! Thank you for commenting. The children will be very impressed when we read your comment on Monday. Perhaps we could watch Charlotte’s Web 2. What do you think?
      From Mrs Kolenberg

  2. I loved the story Charlotte’s Web when I was at school. She taught Wilbur so many important things. My other favourite book was Midnite by Randolph Stow. I hope you all get to read that when you are older.

    • I’m a little disappointed that we couldn’t print our comics in colour Libby but everyone did a great job of creating their own comics. We will have to colour them ourselves and they will look fantastic.

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