Room 4 at Craigburn Primary School

Welcome to everyone visiting our blog. We are a class of new year ones and our teacher is Mrs. Kolenberg. There are 25 children in our class and we only started back at school from our holidays on Monday. Craigburn is a school in the foothills of Adelaide. We have lots of trees and are lucky enough to have many birds and koalas visiting.This term will be 10 weeks long. It’s summer right now and we have had some hot days around 35 degrees. We are going to learn about our body systems and keeping ourselves healthy as well as working together co-operatively.

Please visit our blog often to catch up with our learning.

Mrs. K has put together a video of our school. There are no children in it because no-one was at school when she made it!

6 thoughts on “Room 4 at Craigburn Primary School

  1. Welcome back Room 4! I’m sure you’re going to have a fantastic year together with Mrs. Kolenberg. I’ll make sure I check the blog often to keep up-to-date with what you are all learning. Have fun!

    Frau Smith

    • Hello Frau Smith! Room 4 can’t wait to see your new baby! Thank you for looking at our blog. It will be a great way for you to see all the great learning we will be doing.
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

  2. I loved looking at the blog with my mummy.
    We enjoyed listening to one of the stories.
    We hope you put some more beautiful pictures and movies on the class blog.
    We liked the Fruity Samba video best. Also we loved the SRC Presentation pictures.
    From Hannah.

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