A Visit From Amy's Dad

Today we were lucky enough to have Amy’s dad come and talk to us. He is an Associate Professor at Flinders Medical Centre. He teaches medical students and also does research there.

He talked to us about the Nervous and Digestive systems. He brought along a model of the brain and we could take it apart. We learnt many interesting things about our brains and what happens to our food. We also learnt that it is very important to eat healthy foods and get lots of fibre.


Many thanks to Amy’s dad for sharing his great knowledge. We really enjoyed having him come and talk to us!

4 thoughts on “A Visit From Amy's Dad

  1. You were very lucky to have someone with so much knowledge to share.
    It looks like you all had fun learning about the nervous system!

  2. Hello Mrs. K’s Class,
    My first graders study the body systems too. What a treat it is to have a parent talk to you about the nervous and digestive systems. My students are on summer vacation right now. We hope to visit your blog more often when school resumes in September. Keep learning and sharing.
    Mrs. Ruckes

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