This term Mrs Nelson and Mrs K have worked together to prepare maths tasks that we rotate through each week. They are in line with the Australian National Curriculum. We have been put into four groups and each day we have a different task.
Here are the tasks we are doing this week.
It’s great fun! Everyone is kept busy and we are all engaged. You might notice that there are codes on some of our work. They are secret codes that Ann Baker has been helping us with. She is teaching us about Natural Maths. We use the codes to show our thinking.
Here is some of our work.
Sometimes we work with a partner and sometimes by ourselves.
At the end of the lesson we reflect on our work and share our learning.
We use AirServer which allows us to share our work from the i-Pads onto the whiteboard. A great App to do this is called ‘Explain Everything’. You take a photo on the i-Pad and you can then annotate with it and explain what you were thinking in your maths.
Do you enjoy Maths? What are you learning in Maths?
Great to see how keen you all are to engage in Maths tasks. I like to see you working in pairs to play the 2 dice game. Keep enjoying.
Maths tasks look so different to when I was at school! I wish I could go back to school again and join in all the fun activities you get to do!
We are busy doing the Maths tasks too. We like it when we get to reflect together and share good learning.
From your Room 3 neighbours
I love doing our maths that we do everyday. I mostly love doing ipads and ipods and my mum Karen enjoyed looking at our pictures about the 1/2s. I love doing maths, even problem solving. My sister Hannah loves doing her maths too. My mum would like to come to school with us. From Gabby.