
Today cast A had a dress rehearsal for Aladdin. We are in the chorus so we didn’t need to wear our costumes.The costumes were very colourful. We sang a lot of songs. There are new steps and we were able to sit on them. We can’t wait until next week when we get to put our costumes on and perform in front of a big audience. Has anyone else been to see a performance done by a whole school? What was it called?

8 thoughts on “Rehearsals

  1. We watched aladdin on video last night at home. We all sang along with the songs. Getting ready for your big performance.

  2. I am still a bit sick, but felt like looking at the blog. looking forward to Aladdin next week. We watched Aladdin DVD last week. We enjoyed the movie too! We heard the songs in the movie that we are going to do.
    I’ve been coughing a lot!

  3. A few years ago now, I remember watching Mrs Nelson’s and Mrs Dzunko’s performance of ‘The Tooth, The Whole Tooth and Nothing but The Tooth.’ It was a great show. From Mr Luke.

  4. Hello Mrs. K’s Class,
    Thank you for your comment. We would love to be your friends! My students are on summer holidays now until the end of August when I will have a brand new group of grade ones.
    It is summer now in Canada, and the temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees during the day. In the winter, it is always below zero, sometimes as low as minus 40 degrees.
    Moose Jaw is a small city with about 35 000 people. We live on the prairie in the middle part of Canada. Moose Jaw has a kind of valley, but the prairie land around us is very flat.
    Keep up the good work on your blog!

  5. Hi Room 4 neighbours,
    Good Luck with your Aladdin performances this week. I can’t wait to see you all in your costumes on Wednesday. I know you will sing wonderfully … I’ll be listening from backstage.
    From Mrs Nelson

  6. Well last night was amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyy WELL DONE ROOM 4!!!! What wonderful singing and you all looked so wonderful in your costumes! We are very proud of you all and all the helpers 😉 An INCREDIBLE Opening Night 🙂

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