News! We are using Tumblr!

We have found a new way to share our learning with the global community. It’s called Tumblr.


Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog.

We will be able to access media instantly and upload within moments of events happening.

Today Sienna and Hannah filmed us doing Be Active dance and back in the classroom the children gave their thoughts about fitness.

You will find the Tumblr link on the right hand side of our Blog or click on the Tumblr icon for a quick link.

Please visit this as often as you can.

4 thoughts on “News! We are using Tumblr!

  1. Well done Room 4! Isn’t it exciting that we can post to Tumblr. so easily and then see it on our blogs so quickly. It was fun getting back into our Be Active dance sessions wasn’t it? Sienna and Hannah – you did an excellent job of filming today. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your tumblr. posts in the future.
    From Mrs Nelson

  2. WOW – What a grOOOOOvy group of kids. Love the dancing videos. Dancing makes me happy, and its so good for you. We always have music in our house, so your feet often start to dance when you least expect it!!

  3. I’m really enjoying watching your posts using Tumblr! As parents we often miss out on seeing all the fun you have at school – this allows us to share your amazing experiences! Thank you room 4 – keep on having lots of fun!

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