Celebrating Year One – 2011 Highlights

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

We have had a very busy year working alongside our Room 3, Year One friends.  Year One has been fun and fulfilling.  We look forward to continuing our life’s journeys as confident learners.

We hope you enjoy watching a collection of photos showing the highlights of our 2011, Year One journey!

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Be Active Challenge

Earlier this year we took part in the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. We had to do at least 60 minutes of exercise 5 days a week for 4 weeks. We recorded our activities in a log book. We really enjoyed being active and we got fit and healthy at the same time. When we finished Mrs. Kolenberg entered our name into the Be Active data base. Today we received a bronze medal for our efforts. We were very pleased to get them. For some of us this is the first medal we have ever had.

Congratulations Anthony

Room 4 would like to congratulate Anthony for earning 1026 points on Mathletics. Click on the Mathletics picture to find out more details.

This has earned him a gold certificate! Anthony has spent a lot of time improving his maths skills on the site and has played Live Mathletics with many friends from around the world.

Well done Anthony!

Sports Expo

At Craigburn the Junior Primary children spent the day having a go at lots of different sports. It was a wonderful day. We got to try these sports: Little Athletics, Baseball, Golf, Korfball, Tennis, Taekwondo, Zumba, Wheelchair Sport and Earth Ball. We tried everything and it didn’t matter if we were good at it or not. The most important thing was that we all had a go.
We all had a great day! The weather was beautiful and everyone participated enthusiastically.
Room 4 would like to thank all the instructors for their wonderful effort today. We really appreciate you coming to our school and sharing your knowledge with us.
Please visit TUMBLR to view some fun things we did today

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Skipping with our Buddies

On Friday we had a whole school assembly and the school’s jump rope team gave us a demonstration of their skills. They were fantastic!
They then took classes for a skills session where we could have a go at doing double dutch, skipping with the long  and small ropes. We enjoyed doing this with our buddies.

Thank you Miss Grant and the Jump Rope team. We really appreciated you giving us some lessons. We love skipping!

There is also a TUMBLR.  for you to see.


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It will save you time continually checking the blog to see if there is anything new.

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Our Excursion

We had the best day on Wednesday!

It was the culmination of our Unit of Inquiry into “planning a trip”. After watching great presentations by the children and then voting, we chose to go to The Toy Factory at Gumeracha and Melba’s Chocolate Factory. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the children’s hard work! Everyone was so well behaved and learnt a lot about the toys that are made at Gumeracha. Graham the ‘toy elf’ showed us through his workshop and expained how he made all the fantastic toys for children.

Many thanks to the mums who helped us out on the day. Were you as tired as I was at the end of the day?!

Have a look at the photos to get an idea of what we did.You can see we had lots of fun!

Please look at our TUMBLR. to see 2 short clips of our day.

Our Excursion To the Toy Factory and Melba’s Chocolate Factory on PhotoPeach

Music is Fun!



We enjoyed watching the Music Is Fun performance.  It was amazing!  We were lucky enough to have an opportunity wear animal masks and perform a song called Man Gave Names To All The Animals .
Here we are wearing our masks.


You can see our performance on the tumblr posts.

Below is some more highlights from the Music Is Fun performance.


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What did you think of Music Is Fun? Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.

A Day In Room 4


Our Blogging friend at  Harston Primary (Mrs. Wilson) took some time lapse photography of a day in her class. She saw it on Mr. Avery’s Blog. It shows you the events that happen in a classroom over one day in around one minute!

We decided to do the same thing. Mrs. Kolenberg set the laptop up on a cupboard and using a programme called JellyCam she timed when the photos would be taken. Our day takes just over two minutes to watch.That’s a very quick day!

There are times when we aren’t in the room. During those times we are at Recess, Lunch, German and in the Hall.

Have fun watching a day in our room at super pace!


We have been learning about time. We had to make our own clocks. Some of us had a little trouble getting our numbers into the right spot!

We have investigated o’clock and 1/2 past times as anologue and digital. We set little clocks to these times. Here we are showing the times we set on our clocks.








We sat with a partner and asked them to set their clocks to a specific time. We were able to help our friends if they needed it.

Mrs. Kolenberg found these fun songs on You Tube that helped us learn about time.