Remembrance Day and Gala Day

On Friday it was 11-11-11. This is a very significant day to everyone. It is Remembrance Day. At Craigburn Primary School we had special assembly.

Everyone paused for one minute of silence while The Last Post was played.

Thankyou Mrs. Nelson for this photo.

If you would like to see a wonderful slideshow that was presented at the assembly visit Mrs. Nelson’s blog.

We also had Gala Day on Friday and what a great time everyone had. The older students had spent hours of their time preparing stalls of many different kinds. The Junior Primary students had an opportunity to visit the stalls after recess and there were so many to see! Lots of bargains were bought and what wonderful food was on sale! You could even get your face painted or nails polished! Many,many thanks to those students were involved. Your hard work helped to make Gala Day a wonderful success!
Gala Day on PhotoPeach

You might like to visit TUMBLR to see what Gala Day looked like.

The Christmas Pageant

What a beautiful day it was yesterday for the Adelaide Christmas Pageant. The sun was shining and the streets were lined with lots of happy families.

Of course, the most exciting part was when Father Christmas made his appearance!

Attribution to


Now we know it’s not long until Christmas!

Did you go to the Pageant or did you watch it on T.V?

What did you think of it?

Are you busy preparing your wish list? 

Let me know!


A New Craigburn Blog


At Craigburn we are so lucky to have lots of teachers who have taken up blogging.
Room 4 would like to welcome Mrs. Rayner who is our Music teacher. She has recently started her own blog and it will keep you up to date with all the fantastic things our students do in Music.
Please have a look at her blog and add a comment. 


Click on the music at craigburn picture to take you to her blog.

Whole School Assembly

Today the Junior Primary children performed some items at our whole school assembly. We have been learning a lot about place value and we thought that the assembly would be great place to share our learning in a fun way with rest of the school. Mrs. Nelson and Miss Harry’s classes joined in with us. We found this fantastic song on one of our quad blogging buddies blog (Miss Leach’s 2nd grade class) and we decided to use it. 

Here is a movie of our performance.


Did you enjoy the performance? Please leave us a comment telling us about it.

New Postcard


Thankyou Maia and your class from Coffs Harbour (in New South Wales) for your postcard. Mrs. Kolenberg loves Coffs Harbour! It is one of her favourite places. 

It must be exciting having a jetty near your school. Do you go fishing very often?

And the Winner is………..

At Last…… we can now announce the result of the vote to determine where we will be going for our excursion.

We are going to the Toy Factory at Gumeracha and Melba’s Chocolate Factory!

The excursion has been booked for Wednesday 23rd November.


Please take some time to watch the following  presentations. I am sure you will be very impressed and perhaps you could go to these places as a family!

Adelaide Goal

Untitled from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

 Monarto Zoo

Monarto Zoo from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

The Tramway Museum and St. Kilda Playground

Tramway Museum from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

The Toy Factory and Melba’s Chocolate Factory

In 2 Cricket

We were lucky enough to have Katie and Pat come to our school to give us some great tips on playing cricket. We rotated through 4 different activities that focussed on different aspects of the game. We had lots of fun as well as developing our skills. Who knows, one day we might see some of the children playing for Australia!

You can also visit TUMBLR. to see more of our great skills.

Decision Making Time

As you would be aware, the children in rooms 3 and 4 had to decide on an excursion that would be suitable for us to go on. There were many factors that had to be taken into consideration and lots of research using I-pads was undertaken. They then had to give a presentation putting their points of view across so that we might vote for their excursion. Once they had presented, we then asked the group members questions for clarification. The following photos show you what it looked like when each group was presenting to the unit. If you hover over the photo it will explain what was happening. Please talk to your child about the process. They will be happy to explain!



We were so proud of the presentations that the children prepared and in our next post we will announce the decision and share the presentations with you.