Annual General Meeting 2024 – Information

We invite and welcome parents to come along to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 19th February, in the Library commencing at 6:30pm and concluding at approximately 7.30pm. Prior to the meeting, light refreshments and nibbles will be available from 6:00pm. Crèche facilities will also be available.

The AGM is a great opportunity for parents to come together with the Governing Council, Leadership team and staff to share in our school’s achievements and highlights from the previous school year. 

The AGM also serves as an opportunity for parents to nominate for the 2024 Governing Council and / or one of the many sub-committees which provide support and direction for a range of school activities. 

Meeting Agenda

The AGM will run with the following agenda:

  • Welcome – Learning Spotlight
  • Volunteers Award
  • Minutes of previous AGM
  • Tabling of Reports
  • Election of 2024 Governing Council (9 vacancies) and Nominations for Sub-Committees.

To register your attendance – please click here. (Nominations for councillor membership further below)

Governing Council Membership

We thank the following members of the 2023 Governing Council for their excellent support and advocacy of our school throughout the 2023 school year.

  • Katelyn Adams, Belinda Cece, Liann Delgado, Sally-Ann Prince, Bridget Dansie, Annika Reinke, Tara Bell, Rebecca May, Kim Altschwager and Paul Luke (Principal) 

Our constitution states that the Craigburn Primary School Governing Council will comprise of 15 councillors including:

  • 1 x Principal (ex officio)
  • 2 x Teaching Staff
  • 12 x Parents (elected by the parent community).
  • 1 x additional community member may be co-opted where the council deems it necessary for particular purposes.
  • Elected members will be appointed for a term not exceeding two years.

Councillors who have completed one year and will continue their 2nd year in 2024: 

  • Tara Bell, Rebecca May and Kim Altschwager

Councillors who have completed their second year: 

  • Katelyn Adams, Belinda Cece, Liann Delgado, Sally-Ann Prince, Bridget Dansie, Annika Reinke
  • Members completing their tenures may wish to nominate again for re-election.

The Governing Council is an important group of people who take on the role of working together with the principal to share responsibility for school governance. Members are responsive to issues that arise and their role is to determine the views of our local community with regards to the broad directions of the school and to support the best learning outcomes possible for the children at Craigburn. We are guided by a constitution in regard to the protocols we follow.

Meetings are held twice per term on Monday evenings for around 60-90 minutes. Positions on the Governing Council are nominally for a term of 2 years. Generally, half of the positions become vacant each year, so that there is continuity. 

Currently there are 9 vacancies.

Nominations for the 2024 Governing Council

Parents interested in nominating for the 2024 Governing Council are asked to complete the Craigburn Primary School Governing Council – Nomination for position of Parent Councillor (embedded form below or click link to download) and return it to the front office in person (marked Confidential: To the Principal), or scan and send via email (subject Confidential: To the Principal) by no later than 4.00pm Monday 19th February 2024 (forms are available upon request at the office). 

Please note – If the number of nominations received exceeds the vacancies available, a ballot will be held during the meeting to elect the required number of members. Nominated candidates will be asked to deliver a short one minute (informal) speech as to why they would like to be considered.

Nominations for 2024 Governing Council Sub-Committees 

To nominate for any of the Sub-Committees, please register your interest via this link 

Please read further below for information outlining the roles of these committees.

Craigburn Primary School’s sub-committees of the Governing Council are an important part of our community. Each committee is made up of parent volunteers and a leadership representative, who work collaboratively to develop recommendations, strategies and actions to positively contribute to the life and culture of the school. 

You don’t need any experience to join a committee – simply a passion to get involved and an interest in contributing to a particular area.

Meetings are generally held twice a term out of school hours, with most meetings around 1 hour in length. There are also opportunities to volunteer in other capacities and during school hours as part of the ‘Friends of Craigburn’ team (Parent and Community Engagement – incorporating Fundraising)

Friends of Craigburn – (Parent and Community Engagement – Fundraising)

  • Parents and friends work together to ensure that social interactions, fundraising and parent support enhance the school’s culture and community through special events and activities. 
  • Parent engagement and involvement is at the heart of Craigburn Primary School and strong collaboration, interaction and partnership with parents, caregivers and leadership, in a variety of formal and informal ways, is facilitated through this group.

Out Of School Hours Care

  • The OSHC Committee assists the Governing Council, Principal and OSHC Director to comply with national regulations and to ensure the quality of care being offered is in keeping with the values, principles and policies of the school council community and the department.


  • The Canteen committee helps out the canteen by providing support to the canteen manager/s and advising on issues like food lines, menus and price setting, etc. The committee’s role is to make sure there’s a good supply of reasonably priced and healthy food as per the Right Bite Healthy Eating Policy, to help organise and encourage volunteer assistants for the canteen and give advice about any facilities needed in the canteen.


  • Working with the school’s Business Manager and Principal, the Finance Committee advises the Governing Council about budgetary and financial matters including items such as; budget reviews, monitoring of revenue and expenses, management of the capital plan and review of external auditor findings. 

School Garden

  • This committee provides support, advice, and advocacy on the ongoing evolution of our school community garden – in support of student wellbeing and educational outcomes. 
  • This committee will work under direction from our school’s garden educator. 


  • The Sports Committee typically involves sports coordinators who work with coaches and volunteers to improve the quality and variety of out of school sports being offered to students.
  • The Committee sets standards around the expectation of behaviour and being a good sport, and develops plans that reflect the interest and needs of all sports.

Katelyn Adams – 2023 Governing Council Chairperson

Paul Luke – Principal

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