
FRIENDOLOGY – Friendship Fire Facts

FRIENDSHIP FIRE FACTS Research shows that about 85% of conflicts at school are what we call ‘Friendship Fires’. These are normal, low-level friendship issues like misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and disagreements. Knowing how to put out those Fires and get friendships back in that Green-Zone on the Friend-o-Meter is one of

URSTRONG – Friendology Update

We hope that all of you who attended the online URSTRONG parent-child webinar on Wednesday, the 21st, are now feeling like Friendship Coaches, better equipped with strategies and language to reinforce our Friendology curriculum. We are excited to announce that, due to overwhelming interest and numerous requests, we have scheduled

Mean on Purpose No Way Day

We celebrated “Mean on Purpose No Way Day” at Craigburn Primary School, our adapted name for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence.  This change is part of our adoption of the Friendology 101 curriculum, which emphasises the use of common and consistent language to guide students in

Friendology – Inner Ninja

Friendology – Inner Ninja We are excited to have launched the URSTRONG program last week—a whole-school wellbeing initiative designed to build strong friendship skills among our students. Our students enjoyed discovering their ‘Inner Ninja’ as they learned that healthy friendships begin with treating themselves like their own best friend. This