On Friday 15th March, all recently elected Student Representative Council (SRC) Leaders were involved in a training day, facilitated by the Year 6 SRC Executive Leaders.
The day was aimed at teaching students valuable skills and qualities that great leaders need to achieve success.
The first task of the day was to get to know each other. To work together successfully throughout the year as leaders, it was important for students to become acquainted and to make connections with one another.
In small groups with leaders of different ages, students investigated the qualities of great leaders. Some of these included – empathy, having vision, respect, kindness, inclusivity, motivation and inspiration.
Our SRC leaders also learnt the importance of teamwork, collaboration, problem solving and communication.
To practise these leadership skills students participated in a Scavenger Hunt, answering different questions around the school. These learning experiences enabled students to better understand the importance that these skills play in making leadership teams successful.
Before our Years 1–6 SRC leaders left for the day, students debriefed with each other over a well earned ‘Zooper Dooper.’
Janine McKay
Student Wellbeing Leader