Canteen News Term 3

We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break and all the new children are settling in well.

Just an update on what’s happening this term:

CORNTOS – The Popular zesty bbq flavoured snack is finally back in stock. Still at the great price of $1.00.

SPECIAL FOOD DAY –  Watch out for our Olympic French inspired lunch day in the next few weeks. This will require pre ordering on Qkr! Details to follow soon.

MAC CHEESE MUFFINS – On Monday’s we will be selling Mac Cheese Muffins which basically are regular mac cheese cooked in a patty pan with  melted cheese on top! These will be sold at recess time only and will certainly warm you up in this cold weather. You can pre order one on Qkr! or pay cash at recess $1.50 introductory price.

FROZEN YOGHURT SHAPES –  These popular snacks are healthy and fun. Just frozen strawberry or vanilla yoghurt with a paper straw for a handle. At 50c they really are great value. These sometimes sell out due to popularity however we hope to make enough to be able to put them on Qkr! in the next few days, so keep an eye out for them.

FROZEN PINEAPPLE SLICES – These refreshing treats are a great boost of Vitamin C and taste delicious! Nothing added, just pure goodness and a healthy treat for you to enjoy for only 50c. Purchase over the counter or order on Qkr!

HOT CHOCOLATE –  (Mon to Thursday only) Our delicious hot chocolate is back on the menu for Term 3. This is served at lunch time only and must be pre ordered on Qkr! or let the canteen know in person and pre pay if you prefer to pay by cash. Orders must be done before 9am.  $3.00, served in an insulated coffee cup with lid.

Thank you for your continued support of our school canteen.

Sue – Canteen Manager.