Get ready for Science Week, themed “Species Survival”

Hi Parents and Caregivers,

This week is Science Week, and we’re excited to celebrate with you! The theme this year is Species Survival—focusing on more than just sustainability.

At Craigburn Primary School, we’ve lined up some fantastic activities.

  • Thursday, August 15th: Diego, a palaeontologist from Adelaide University, will be speaking to our Year 4, 5, and 6 students about fossils and species survival.
  • Monday, August 19th: Our Reception and Year 1 students will enjoy a visit from “Bugs n Slugs.” Kris will educate them about invertebrates and their crucial role in the survival of many species, bringing a fascinating collection for the students to observe—and maybe even hold!
  • STEM Activities: Sue Gaardboe, our STEM teacher, has organised a seed dispersal craft for Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 students, led by our Year 6 STEM leaders.
  • Additionally, Year 4, 5, and 6 students can participate in a Bee Hotel activity during lunchtime led by our Year 6 STEM leaders on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Throughout the week, classroom teachers will engage students in activities that highlight species diversity and explore how different species survive in their natural habitats.

Humans depend on the survival of many species, yet we face an alarming rate of extinction—especially here in Australia, which has the highest mammalian extinction rate in the world. We encourage you to discuss with your child the importance of species survival and ways we can help, such as planting native species to support local wildlife or correctly sorting waste and recycling.

To celebrate Science Week at home, consider exploring your backyard or taking a walk to discover the diversity of species around you. Small activities like planting a tree or building a birdhouse can make a big difference. If your child is eager to learn more, there are excellent documentaries available on free streaming channels, and the BBC Earth YouTube channel offers incredible videos on the ingenious ways plants and animals adapt to survive.

We hope you have a wonderful Science Week!

Kind regards,
Laura Fazzalari (Ms Fazz)
Science Teacher