The Weekly Wrap – Term 3 Week 4 – 2024

We trust everyone is keeping well and enjoyed some quality family time out in the sunshine over the weekend.

Don’t Forget – School Photo Day on Tuesday 13 August

On Tuesday we look forward to seeing all students in their best Craigburn attire for school photo day. 

Reminder post here.

If your child is unable to attend school on Tuesday, there will be a Photo Make-Up Day on Monday 19th August from 9.00am in the Library. A whole school photo will also be taken on the make-up day.

An important reminder that if you would like a family photo with siblings, a family photo envelope will need to be collected from the front office prior to Tuesday.

Please contact the front office for any further information.

Book Week 2024

We are excited to be celebrating Book Week from Monday 19th August through to Friday 23rd August.

Book Week officially runs from the 17th August to the 23rd August,(week 5) in conjunction with the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA). This year the theme is “Reading is Magic”. Reading is Magic CBCA Shortlist Video

Please take a few moments to read the recent Book Week 2024 post containing information about the book fair, author visits, costume details for dress up day, and book week parade.

Book Fair – 22nd – 27th August

Each year Craigburn hosts a Scholastic Book Fair, giving our school community the opportunity to purchase books and more at great prices. More information will be provided to families as the fair approaches. We would love community volunteers to assist with the Book Fair. Please see me (Krysten) if you would like to assist.

Book Week Dress Up Parade – Friday 23rd August, Week 5

Our Book Week parade is a very exciting time for students and staff alike. Costumes can draw creative vision from the theme Reading is Magic, from the CBCA shortlisted books (CBCA Shortlist PDF) or from your child’s favourite book or character – let your imagination flourish!! A quick Google search can inspire costume Ideas.

Families are welcome to join us for our annual whole school Dress Up Day Parade, which will be held outside (weather permitting) on the bottom court adjacent to the amphitheatre – commencing at 9.15am. Feel free to grab a coffee / tea / hot chocolate before the parade starts. We can’t wait to see you there, sharing in the joy of storytelling and imagination.

Year 4 to 6 Incursion Author Visit

In Week 5, Wednesday 21st August our year 4 to 6 students will participate in an Author visit workshop with award winning author Charlie Archbold. Students will be inspired by the creative process for writing novels and picture books!

Throughout Book Week there will be exciting opportunities for all students to engage with books and stories. Reading really is magical!!

Thank You, Krysten – Library Educator

Family Pavers

We are pleased that the family pavers are now installed. We would like to say a big thank you to Matt Blagrove for installing the pavers (purchased prior to this year). The pavers are laid out adjacent to the amphitheatre and represent a rich school history of Craigburn families.

Weekend Netball

Year 5/6 

The girls came out ready to play on a beautiful sunny day against Clapham. The girls worked well as a team and their passes were on target as were their goals. They are really gelling as a team and listening and improving each week. A nail biting finish meant that we got our second win! Score 16-14

Progressive Achievement Tests

Later this term, students in  years 2-6 will be participating in the annual Progressive Achievement Tests – PAT-Reading and PAT-Maths.

The Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) are online reading comprehension and maths assessments aligned to the Australian Curriculum. The tests are administered each year and provide teachers with information about the learning strengths and needs of their students.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

This year all our students in Year 1 will participate in a phonics screening check. The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check assesses how students blend sounds together to read a word. The data from these tests will inform our teachers of the teaching of reading for our  Year 1 students.

What is phonics?

Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds and is vital in learning to read. Some children struggle with learning to read so it is important that these children are identified quickly so teachers can plan for any specific support they may need.

What is the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check?

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check is a short, quick assessment that tells teachers how your child is progressing in phonics. Your child will sit with the class teacher and will be asked to read 40 words aloud. These words include 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The test normally takes a few minutes. If your child is struggling the teacher will stop the check. The check is carefully designed not to be stressful for your child.

Teachers then analyse the results and, if necessary, plan for any additional support that students might require.

Why use nonsense words?

The assessment includes pseudo or nonsense words to see if the student is able to use their knowledge of blending to read a word rather than their memory of having seen that word before.

More information

If you have any further questions, please talk to your child’s class teacher.

Friendly Reminders

Secondary Enrolment Update – Information to Families of Year 6 students

Last week, enrolment offers for secondary school were sent to the families of our year 6 students. Most families should have received their offer by email on 7th, 8th or 9th August. If you think you have not received your enrolment offer from your secondary school, you need to check your junk folder for an email from If your enrolment offer has not arrived by 12th August, please let Bron at the Front Office know and we can follow up with the secondary school on your behalf.

If you need support to accept your enrolment offer visit or contact your allocated secondary school and they can step you through the process.

Reception Transition for 2025

Families that have a sibling enrolment for starting Reception at Craigburn in 2025 should have received an offer of enrolment letter also outlining information for transition visits, which will occur over three consecutive Wednesdays on 13th, 20th and 27th of November. 

Leaving Craigburn in 2025?

Aside from Year 6 students graduating at the end of this year – if your child will not be returning to Craigburn Primary School in 2025, please inform the front office, by phone 8270 4144 or email

This will help us with our forward planning for the 2025 school year. Thank you.

Change of Contact Details 

To help us keep up to date with family and emergency contact details please contact the front office with your change of details.

Parent Survey

Parents are invited to complete the 2024 annual Public Education Parent Survey. The 2024 parent survey opens mid to late July and closes midnight Sunday 8 September. During the survey window you will receive an email or SMS from the Parent Survey Team with a unique link to participate in the survey. If you have not received an email or SMS with your unique survey link by Friday 9 August 2024, please check your spam or junk folders. Otherwise, please contact and include our school’s name in your email. A new survey will be sent to you.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes and will help us understand:

  • what we’re doing well
  • where we can improve
  • what’s important to you.

It has been coordinated centrally so that added administration workload isn’t placed on the school. Your answers won’t identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school. Information collected will inform school improvement planning and activities at the school. The survey closes midnight Sunday 8 September.

Term Planner – Key Dates

Please read further on for updates to the special activities and events for terms 3 and 4. We are especially looking forward to many whole school events including our Olympic Games celebration, Book Week and Celebration Night. 

The Friends of Craigburn parent group are looking forward to sharing more information about the following events.

Term 3

  • Father’s Day Stall – Wednesday 28 August 2024
  • Father’s Day Breakfast – Friday 30 September 2024

Term 4

  • Quiz Night/Silent Auction – Saturday 9 November 2024
  • Spooky Disco – 1 November 2024
  • Celebration Night (Christmas Raffle Drawn) – 9 December 2024

Recent Posts 

Yearly Planner 2024

Term 3 

  • School Photo Day – Tuesday 13 August
  • National Science Week – Monday 12 August
  • Governing Council Meeting – Tuesday 20 August
  • Book Week Parade – Friday 23 August
  • Father’s Day Stall – Thursday 29 August
  • Father’s Day Breakfast – Friday 30 August
  • School Closure Day – Monday 2 September
  • Premier’s Challenges End – Friday 6 September
  • RUOK Day – Thursday 12 September
  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 16 September
  • End of Term – Friday 27 September – Early Dismissal

Term 4

  • Term 4 Starts – Monday 14 October
  • World Teachers Day – Friday 25 October
  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 28 October 
  • Year 4/5 Camp – Monday 28 – Wednesday 30 October
  • Year 6 Camp – Monday 4 – Wednesday 6 November
  • Melbourne Cup Day – Tuesday 5 November
  • Remembrance Day – School – Monday 11 November
  • Reception Transition 1 – Wednesday 13 November
  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 18 November 
  • Reception Transition 2 – Wednesday 20 November
  • Student Free Day – Monday 25 November
  • Reception Transition 3 – Wednesday 27 November
  • Celebration Night – Monday 9 December
  • Year 7 Graduation – Wednesday 11 December
  • End of Term / School Year – Friday 13 December