School Dress Code – Parent Feedback

As part of our commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment, we are establishing a new dress code for our school. This will be guided by the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019, which encourages schools to adopt dress codes that reflect our community’s values and needs.

What is a School Dress Code?

A school dress code outlines the acceptable clothing and accessories for students while they are at school. It defines what our school uniform includes and provides guidelines for clothing and accessories that ensures students are comfortable, safe, and able to move freely.

Why a Dress Code?

  • Promotion of a Positive Image: A well-defined dress code helps build a strong school identity and promotes a positive image of our school community.
  • Ensuring Safety, Comfort, Appearance and Durability: By considering factors like safety, comfort, appearance , durability and seasonal conditions, we can ensure that students are suitably dressed for all school activities.
  • Supporting Diversity and Inclusion: We want our dress code to be inclusive of students, in consideration of disability, cultural, and religious needs.
  • Affordability: We are mindful of the cost of our school uniform and will strive to keep it as affordable as possible for families.

Consultation Process

To ensure that our consultation process is thorough and transparent:

  • We are inviting parents, students, and staff to share their views through surveys. Your feedback is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • The Uniform Committee of Governing Council will carefully review all feedback and draft a dress code that reflects our community’s values and needs.
  • All feedback will be documented and considered as part of the consultation process.

Next Steps

Once the consultation process is complete:

  • Families will be notified of the new dress code and any changes that will be implemented.
  • Rest assured – the colours of the school uniform will not change.
  • We anticipate our new dress code will be introduced and phased in over the 2025 school year, allowing families time to make the transition.

What We Need From You

Please take a moment to participate in the survey linked below. Your input will help shape a dress code that aligns with our school’s values and meets the needs of all students. We ask families to complete the survey by Sunday 20th October.

Dress Code – Parent Survey Link

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in this important process.

Katelyn Adams – Governing Council Chairperson

Annika Reinke – Uniform Committee Convenor

Nicky Taylor – Deputy Principal

Paul Luke – Principal

On behalf of the Craigburn Primary School Governing Council – Uniform Committee