Sapsasa Term 1 2025

Sapsasa Swimming Carnival

Interested Yr 4 – 6 students (born 2013 – 2015) have received information to nominate for the Sapsasa Southern Heights Swimming Carnival on Friday 28th February. Consent forms and invoices will be sent home with students this week with details of the events they have been nominated in. Parents are responsible for supervision and transport of their own child at this event.

Sapsasa Cross Country

Students in Yr 4 – 6 (born 2012 – 2015) can nominate to take part in Cross Country training in preparation for the Southern Heights Cross Country event at Belair National Park in Term 2 on Tuesday 13th May.  Interested students have attended a meeting and received a registration form. Registration and information forms are also available from the front office.

Training sessions will consist of stretching, sprints, hill runs, endurance training and cross-country running in preparation for the carnival where students will run: 2km’s for 10-year-olds and 3 km’s for 11- & 1-year olds.

Tristan Fergusson has again kindly offered to train the students in the lead up to the carnival. Training sessions will be on the school oval before school,  8:00am – 8:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first training session will be Tuesday 25th February. Students are expected to attend the training sessions to be able to participate in the Southern Heights Cross Country event at Belair National Park.

Sapsasa Track and Field (Athletics) Carnival

On Monday 7th April (Term 1 Week 11), we will be taking a group of students to participate in the  School Sport SA Southern Heights Track and Field carnival at Athletics SA Stadium, Mile End.

Students in Year 5 -6 and Year 4 students born in 2015 are able to try out for events in 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m, high jump, long jump, shot put and discus. Try outs will take place  during an Athletics session on Friday 7th March with all Yr 4 (born 2015) – Yr 6 students. Make up sessions will be held during PE lessons and lunch times.

Parental consent is required for students to participate in shot put and discuss activities. If your child is interested in trying out for these 2 events they will need to collect a consent form from the front office so they can participate in the tryouts.

Once tryouts and nominations are finalised students will be notified of their selection to attend the Southern Heights Sapsasa Track and Field Carnival.  We will require parents to assist on this day once the team is selected.

School Sport SA Mountain Bike Team’s Championship

Students in Year 5-6 can nominate  to participate in the School Sport SA Team’s Championship on Friday 9th May at Sturt Gorge Recreation Park. Parents are responsible for transport and supervision of their own child at this event. Craigburn will only enter teams if there are sufficient numbers to form the teams. Interested students can collect a nomination form from Mrs Pettman at school.

Statewide Schools Competition

Craigburn will be entering teams in girls netball and boys soccer in the Term 2 Statewide Schools Competition. Trials will be held during school hours for Year 5 and 6 students who currently play the sport and are interested in being selected in each team.  Students will be notified in the student daily notices when trials will be held. Once the teams are selected more information and consent forms will be available. The first round of the Statewide Schools Competition for netball and soccer are played as a day carnival. Netball Day Carnival Tuesday 6th May and Soccer Day Carnival Thursday 12th June. We will require assistance with transport and supervision for these events to take place.


For us to participate in Sapsasa events throughout the year we will need parents to assist with transport and supervision. If you would like to assist with any of our Sapsasa events this year please complete a school volunteer pack  so you have the clearances ahead of time. Volunteer information available from the front office.

If you require any further information please contact Karen Pettman at