We have been learning about adjectives. We know adjectives are describing words. This term we have been writing narratives and we have been using adjectives in our stories to describe the characters and setting in more detail. We used the app Explain Everything on the iPads to create a slideshow of different objects, things outside, people and anything else. We had to use at least 2 adjectives in the sentences. Here are some of the slideshows. Try using an adjective if you leave a comment below.
By Jasmine
By Ava and Pearl
By Cooper and Shannon
By Sophie
By Ben and Walker
By Alicia and Akash
By Jamal and Hayden
By Hunter and Gideon
By Kiara
By Ruby and Tahlia
By Louise and Indi
By Riley
By Teagan and Keira
By Jacob
By Christian and Jesse
Nice work class.
GREAT JOB everyone you had an awesome slide show???
Adjectives: by Gideon and Mom.
We saw kids that are clever and smart.
We saw work that was amazing and fantastic.
The videos are good. Everyone looks good♡. Love it.