Art Gallery Excursion
On Friday 2nd November our class visited the Art Gallery for an excursion along with Room A3 and A4. We… read more
On Friday 2nd November our class visited the Art Gallery for an excursion along with Room A3 and A4. We… read more
Art Response In week 4 we would like you to look at the following art works. Please look at all… read more
Today we got to enjoy a class reward after completing Leo the lion at the end of last term. WeWe… read more
The Royal Adelaide Show is on at the moment so we thought as a genius hour challenge we would create… read more
Our class and the other Year 2 classes went on an excursion to Urrbrae High School to take part in… read more
This term our class has started doing genius hour sessions on Fridays. Last term we completed a lot of technology… read more
Here are some recounts written by Marlie, Charles, Indi and Ella about our special visit from Farmer Darcy. Written by… read more
We try to catch up with our buddy class every week. Last term we had a 3 week challenge of… read more
On Friday 27th July our class had a mini disco as a whole class reward for getting the final piece… read more
On Friday 1st June our class had a cardboard challenge. After watching Caine’s Arcade short film clips we were inspired… read more