Genius Hour Cardboard Challenge

Everyone was very excited to have a go at the cardboard challenge this week. After viewing the short film about Caine’s Arcade the class felt very inspired. Some of the class decided to also make an arcade game and others cam up with all kinds of creations. It was great to see some team work between those working with a partner and lots of problem solving when things didn’t go as easily as they first thought when designing their creation. Students spent some time reflecting on their genius hour and then everyone shared what they had made to the class. Some of the arcade games were played too! Here are the finished creations:

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2 Responses

  1. Hendriehet -Gideon's mum at |

    Just goes to show, you don’t need fancy toys to have fun!

  2. Teagan at |

    Everyone did a good amazing gob in A1.


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