Today we celebrated Harmony Day at school. Everyone came to school dressed in orange. We also had a whole school assembly to acknowledge all the different nationalities we have at our school. The main theme for the day was that everyone belongs and that we celebrate and respect differences. In the afternoon students traced around the arm/hand and decorated it with lots of different colours and patterns to represent how everyone is different in their own way. Here we are all dressed up in orange.
Here is a photo of the artwork we created:
I had so much fun and I think Harmony day should be celebrated every year. 🙂
Wow, gorgeous artwork! Well done!
every one looks great and every thing looks good and i love h harmony day.
Everyone is so colourful
You all look great dressed up in orange with those lovely smiling faces!
Mrs Robertson
WOW cool photo nice to see everyone in the picture especially KIARA AND WALKER LOOK FUNNY