Play Diaries

After our Play session today the children completed a writing exercise. They had to give a Recount of the activities they were involved in and who they interacted with. It was important that the children included the correct punctuation (capitals, fullstops, finger spaces). They had to proof read as they went along. Here are some examples of their work.



At the end of our Play session we wrote in our Diaries. We would like to share them with you.



8 thoughts on “Play Diaries

  1. Wow fantastic work guys, such neat writing and the pictures are outstanding. I love my diary, I have it with me all the time. I write notes, lists, and appointments and also stick in special things and reminders. There are lots of notes from school stuck in mine! must mean you are all super busy doing things…

  2. Charlotte’s grandmother in Darwin is having a busy time showing school children over HMB Endeavour. Last week I had one night aboard and slept in a hammock, just like sailors did 240 years ago.

  3. Hi Harrison here

    First of all I love your blog and you are lucky with who you have in your class this year. Tell your kids that they sound like they are having fun and are making new friends. The writing is really neat and, sienna is always coming home and telling the family how much fun she had during the day.
    Hope you like my comment.
    From Chappy

  4. Congratulations Neighbours!
    The writing you did after your Play session was impressive. I was particularly happy to see how many of you remembered to have the right punctuation for your sentences. You have been working hard and so your writing has certainly improved this year. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your great work soon – aren’t I lucky I can just walk a few steps to be able to see it!
    From Mrs Nelson

  5. Wow, I am very impressed to see how well you can use full stops and capital letters. You have been learning a lot this year. You are also all very good at writing in German!
    Frau Smith

  6. Wow, what a fantastic blog your class is writing! I am in Vancouver, Canada and we are on our summer vacation. I’m hoping to have a blog with my grade one class this year. (We start the new school year in September). Once I have an actual blog link I’ll be sure to share it with you. Keep up the great work.

    Ms. Lirenman, Bonaccord Elementary, Surrey, BC Canada

    • Hello Ms. Lireman! Thank you so much for commenting on our Blog. We were very excited to know that people sooo far away were looking at it!! We have had a look at your school on Google maps.Where do you go in the bus? Who painted the wall? When your Blog is up and running with your Year Ones let us know and we will happily look at it and put comments on it. Maybe we could become Blogging Buddies!
      From Mrs. Kolenberg and Room 4.

  7. Hello Mrs. Kolenberg and Room 4,
    I think it’s great that you used google maps to check out my school. The painted walls are actually murals that the children in the school made in 2008 with the help of an artist. It was a fantastic project where everyone in the school (we have about 530 students) took part in drawing and painting. As for the school bus there are about thirty children in the school that travel to our school by school bus to attend special classes offered by my school district based at my school. Most of the children in the school walk, ride a bike or get a ride from their parents to school.
    I am really excited to start my first ever class blog when school starts up again in September. It would be wonderful for you guys to check out our blog too (once we get it up and running). Your blog has given me some excellent ideas to try with my students. I’m certain my class will have a lot to share with REAL Australian children. Keep up the great learning. From Ms. Lirenman

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