Inquiry Unit- making a Wordle

 After looking at the children’s mind maps again, we typed in their key words about what skills a great working group has. This mind map shows all the fantastic ideas that a group of Year 1’s came up with.

Together we made a wordle. A wordle is a word cloud where the most commonly used words appear larger than the others. The children read their key words and these were typed onto the wordle. In the following photos you can see us looking at the developing wordle on the whiteboard.









We looked at many presentation types for our wordle and this is one that we chose. When you look at it remember the larger words are what we think are important skills to have when working in a group.

What do you think are skills you need to have when you work in a group? Do you agree with the words we came up with? Have you ever made a wordle? Please tell us what you think of our wordle.

7 thoughts on “Inquiry Unit- making a Wordle

  1. I enjoyed looking at your Wordle – you have all listed some great group skills. Keep up the excellent work – I am looking forward to reading your next post. Mr Luke.

  2. Congratulations Room 4 neighbours. I think when we were working as a group making our Wordle you all showed some of these group working skills. You listened and helped and cooperated and were on task and showed persistence and were encouraging … AND because of all those positive things happening look at the wonderful Wordle result we have. I know you will remember to also use these skills when you are working in your groups with Mrs Langham. I wonder where we will go on our excursion?
    I can’t wait to see what you plan for us.
    From Mrs Nelson

  3. Your Wordle looks impressive! I’ve never made a Wordle before. It was interesting to see the words you choose about working as a group – you had some great ideas!

  4. I love these Wordles.. I love the name as well.. Wordle is cool… What a great idea they are, I think I might use some in my scrapbooking pages. All the descriptive words you have used certainly show what great learners and supporters of classmates you all are. Very impressed everyone.

  5. I am very impressed with the way you have worked together to produce such an impressive Wordle! You are clearly all fantastic team members who support and encourage each other. I have seen you work very well in teams in German lessons too. Keep up the fantastic work Year 1s!
    Frau Smith

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