Mr. Brown comes to visit by Annalise

Mr. Brown came to visit us today. He lives with Mrs. Kolenberg. Mr Brown has a toothbrush and a bag. I made a little card for Mr Brown.

9 thoughts on “Mr. Brown comes to visit by Annalise

  1. Aloha Annalise,
    Mr. Brown looks as if he is so happy to visit with your class. You are very lucky to have him.
    Making him a card probably made him feel very welcome.
    Mrs. Jacobs

    • Hello Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Brown is having a lovely time visiting our class and he was made to feel very welcome. I think he might want to stay in our room!
      From Mrs. Kolenberg

  2. Dear Annalise,

    It looks like you had a great time with Mr. Brown! It sounds like he did a great job of packing. Did you have to brush his teeth for him or did he brush them on his own?

    You did a great job of taking care of him. He was definitely a very lucky bear!

    Mr. Avery

  3. Aiden told us all about Mr Brown. He looks very happy to be visiting the class. Annalise, the card you made is beautiful. What a lucky bear, I be he gets spoilt by everyone.

  4. HI there Everyone,
    Mr Brown looks pretty happy visiting the class.
    Does he go home with the children from your class for visits? We have a class bear who visits everyone’s house. His name is Biggles.
    Keep working on your blog – we love to read what you’ve all been up to
    Room 24 children and Miss Sporn

  5. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys I LOVE ALL THE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are the BEST GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

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