Remembrance Day and Gala Day

On Friday it was 11-11-11. This is a very significant day to everyone. It is Remembrance Day. At Craigburn Primary School we had special assembly.

Everyone paused for one minute of silence while The Last Post was played.

Thankyou Mrs. Nelson for this photo.

If you would like to see a wonderful slideshow that was presented at the assembly visit Mrs. Nelson’s blog.

We also had Gala Day on Friday and what a great time everyone had. The older students had spent hours of their time preparing stalls of many different kinds. The Junior Primary students had an opportunity to visit the stalls after recess and there were so many to see! Lots of bargains were bought and what wonderful food was on sale! You could even get your face painted or nails polished! Many,many thanks to those students were involved. Your hard work helped to make Gala Day a wonderful success!
Gala Day on PhotoPeach

You might like to visit TUMBLR to see what Gala Day looked like.

9 thoughts on “Remembrance Day and Gala Day

  1. The Remembrance Day poppies you all made were lovely. Its such an important day. Looks like lots of you visited Aiden’s brothers stall. Some of those bags of lollies look familiar.. It was fun helping to get a stall organised for Ethan and his friends. Of course, not all the lollies made it to Gala Day. We had to do some taste testing at home… Who else stuck their hand in goo and spaghetti……

  2. I had to put my hand in goo its yuck but I did get a marble and a lolly pop. They were yummy and Tahlia got a pen and a marble.
    From Charlotte

  3. What a special Remebrance Day Service! The leadership children did a wonderful job – they should feel very proud!

    I had lots of fun walking around at Gala day admiring all the amazing efforts!

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