Our Excursion

We had the best day on Wednesday!

It was the culmination of our Unit of Inquiry into “planning a trip”. After watching great presentations by the children and then voting, we chose to go to The Toy Factory at Gumeracha and Melba’s Chocolate Factory. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the children’s hard work! Everyone was so well behaved and learnt a lot about the toys that are made at Gumeracha. Graham the ‘toy elf’ showed us through his workshop and expained how he made all the fantastic toys for children.

Many thanks to the mums who helped us out on the day. Were you as tired as I was at the end of the day?!

Have a look at the photos to get an idea of what we did.You can see we had lots of fun!

Please look at our TUMBLR. to see 2 short clips of our day.

Our Excursion To the Toy Factory and Melba’s Chocolate Factory on PhotoPeach

8 thoughts on “Our Excursion

  1. I loved looking at the Photos of your excursion. What an amazing day you all experienced. All those chocolates at Melba’s. It must have been so hard to choose which one you wanted. The peacock was certainly beautiful – what a show off…. After seeing your photos I am jealous I missed out. I bet you were ALL so tired afterwards, but what a fun way to get tired!!!

  2. I was so excited to hear all your news from the excursion. It sounds like you all had a fantastic time!
    Thanks so much to Lucy’s mum for the yummy chocolate she bought for me – I enjoyed it VERY much!

  3. Wow! What an exciting day! I had such a blast! I was so proud of all the students they climbed to the top of the horse and were so well behaved! I felt like a Nanna Nap on the way back in the bus because we did so much during our visit!

    I loved the Chocolate factory… So many lollies and chocolate! Well done to all the children for being such great role models from Craigburn Primary.

    I would also like to say a very special thank you for allowing me to join in on such a special day… Well done!

  4. Hi everyone, thanks for letting me come on the excursion to the Adelaide Hills with you. I was so proud of you all for being soooo well behaved all day. Some children were scared to climb to the top of the big rocking horse but they did it anyway – well done for a big achievement to those people. What about those pesky animals who were greedy and wanted to take all of our food – they even pushed Sienna over when she was holding the food bucket! I’m like Tanisha’s mum and had to have a Nanna Nap on the way home in the bus it was such a big day. Thanks for a great day everyone.

  5. Awesome trip! – Laurel

    Why were you all wearing the same clothes? – Sophie

    That must have been fun! – Layne

    Can I be in your class!? – Jaxon 🙂

    Did you get to keep any toys? – Megan

    **Miss Leach’s Class

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