
Our Inquiry Unit this term is about Arthropods. We are investigating the features and functions of Arthropods, the role Arthropods have in a diverse environment and peoples impact on the environment of Arthropods.
Here is what we know so far.
Click on the link below to view our Glogster.

What do you know about Arthropods?

5 thoughts on “Arthropods

  1. Hello everyone and my lovely teacher I never knew what an arthropod was.As long as they stay in groups so they dont get lost.It is good to see you again after the holidays

  2. I don’t like many Arthropods except Monarch Butterflies. We watched th life cycle of a monarch go from larvae (caterpillar), to the pupa (chrysalis), and an adult butterfly. It was amazing!

  3. Bethany and I enjoyed watching the 2 videos of the arthropods. Will the children in the class be making an arthropod video like Bethany’s brother Oliver did? That video has been watched many times in our house.

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