We've had 10,000 Visitors!

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It’s time for a celebration in Room 4. After having our class blog up and running for 13 months we have had 10,000 visitors looking all the great learning that has been happening in our class. This is a fantastic effort and Room 4 would like to thank all of our parents and blogging friends from all around the world for stopping by!

We are very excited by this milestone and we are going to have a class party to celebrate!

We are sure you will continue to visit our blog to follow the learning in Room 4.


7 thoughts on “We've had 10,000 Visitors!

  1. Congratulations! I am so excited for everyone in Mrs. K’s class! I know while my class was in session (we’re on summer holidays now here in Canada) we would often check in on your blog.

    Room 4 I don’t know if you are aware or not but your teacher Mrs. K and her friend Mrs. Nelson were the two teachers that inspired me to start my class blog. I have learned so much from you and your teacher(s).

    I can’t wait to hear about the next 10,000 visitors.

    Happy Learning!

    xoxo Ms. Lirenman in
    Vancouver, BC, Canada 🙂

  2. Guten Tag,

    Wow! Congratulations on the 10 000 visitors! I love keeping in touch with you all through the blog and seeing what you’re up to and learning this year. It’s fantastic there are so many doing the same thing.

    Auf Wiedersehen,
    Frau Smith (und Cameron)

  3. Congratulations – this is an excellent achievement. Well done for sharing your learning with people from all over the world. You have helped them learn too. From Mr Luke.

  4. Wow! Congratulations to Mrs K and all of Room 4, that is a fantastic achievement but it is a pretty super Blog! Well done and keep up the good work I love seeing what you have all been up to and its fantastic that people all over the world can see too

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