Maths Groups- Ordinal Numbers

This week our Maths focus has been on Ordinal numbers. The children have been divided into groups and each day they have rotated through a series of activities to consolidate their understandings. This has involved a series of tasks that required the children to display various skills.I have observed their progress in completing the tasks and recorded this through photographs that I could reflect on at a later date. I did this with a colleague and we have been able to collect data to demonstrate and assess the progress they have made.
Here are the tasks we set the children:

In the following slideshow you can see examples of the activities the children did each day.

My Favourite Toy

We all love our toys!! Our Show and Tell this week was to bring along a toy that was very special to us and talk to the rest of the class about its significance to us. We had a variety of special visitors! It was interesting to see how many fluffy toys came to see us. They are very comforting to go sleep with.

Term Overview


Make sure you go to the Class Information page to read our Overview for the term. Here you will see all the terrific things that are happening in our room in Term 3.

Did you guess?

Yes! We have green tree frogs visiting our class. There are two of them and they are quite big.

These aren’t actually our frogs but they look the same. The frogs are in a big cage with water and wood to climb on. We feed them crickets. They have a heater in their cage to keep them warm. Today they spent most of the time sleeping.



Come in and have a look at them when you can. How do they climb? How do they stick to the glass? Why do they spend so much time up in the corner? Let me know what you think.



The Ned Show

We had a whole school assembly today to see the Ned Show. Garry was from America and he talked to us about what it takes to be a champion at school and in life.
He was very funny and he was very clever at using a yoyo.
Here are some comments from the children in Room 4:
He did a really good tissue trick- Ethan
Garry showed us the flag trick – Hannah
In the Ned name there is caring and stuff – Tamika
Garry was amazing and very clever. He did the Eiffel Tower – Libby
We know how to be champions – Lucy
It was funny when he rocked the baby – Will


NED encourages everyone to be the best that they can.

We are wearing our “Champion” crowns to show that we know how to be the best people we can.

We are wearing our champion crowns.



Very windy!!

Phew, it was really windy today and the waves were HUGE!!!! There were lots of surfers and the waves were soooo big that they rode the waves into the shore, got out of the water and then ran back up the beach and hopped in the water again!! When the waves crashed together, it sounded like THUNDER!

Very big waves!

Very big waves!

Surfers walking back to catch a wave.

Surfers walking back to catch a wave.