Harmony Day

March 21 is Harmony Day. The message for the day is ‘Everyone Belongs’.

 It’s about community participation, inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. The aim of Harmony Day 2012 is to encourage everyone, regardless of background to participate in a sporting activity, increase understanding and to be inspired or inspire others.

At Craigburn we had a special assembly  where we talked about including others and respecting everyone. We made balloons with our buddies and a badge to wear.

We also made a ‘friend’ who is wearing a Harmony Day t-shirt.








6 thoughts on “Harmony Day

  1. The assembly at school was very special! All the children looked wonderful in the sea of orange!
    Craigburn is a perfect example of “Harmony Day”!

  2. Hello boys and girls,
    What lovely bright photos! You are all working so hard. I like the values of kindness and caring that you have chosen for your Harmony friends.
    I looks like a great event and I am sure it has made you all think about including others and the feeling of belonging.
    Miss Ash

  3. What a lovely idea to have a harmony day! It looks like you are working very hard and concentrating on your colouring. I love it that you are all wearing similar colours! I would love to know more about your sporting activities.

  4. WOW!!! You all looked so bright and happy. I love your Harmony man he looks pretty groovy. You all have done a great job once again and know how to respect each other. Well done.

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