SRC Reps for Room A1

Students were given the chance to speak to the class and to go through the reasons why others should vote for them to be our SRC rep. We had lots of confident students have a go – well done for speaking up in front of others. Some were organised and had written some things down on some paper. Those that didn’t get chosen are encouraged to try again next year!


Congratulations to Louise and Jamal who will be the SRC reps for Term 1 and 2.


Congratulations to Ruby and Hunter who will be the SRC reps for Term 3 and 4.


5 Responses

  1. Amanda (Hunter's mum) at |

    Well done to all of the new SRC reps! I know Hunter is very much looking forward to representing the class in terms 3 and 4.

  2. Cooper at |

    Good job Jamal, Louise, Hunter and Ruby for SRC. from Cooper

  3. Veronica (Jamal's mum) at |

    Such a responsible position for very responsible students. Well done Louise, Jamal, Hunter and Ruby. ?

  4. Pearl at |

    Well done SRC Reps for all your hard work for us. Love Pearl xoxoxo

  5. Christian at |

    Great job for being a SRC rep Jamal,Hunter,Louise and Ruby. Great job guys!


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