Life on Earth Models

To finish our unit of inquiry on light and shadows students were asked to make a model that shows how life on Earth is affected by light. They were asked to include an explanation about their model and will be sharing this to the class as an oral presentation. First students had to design their model in their books making sure to label the different parts and materials to be used. We were lucky to see another class (Ms Sporn’s Room 4) finish their models before us so they also gave us good ideas and inspiration. Then we got busy making! It was great to see lots of creativity and different ways to show how Earth is affected by light. Some students chose to do half a world without light and have a world with light. Here are some photos of us holding our models (wearing wacky clothes from Wackyathon!).

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3 Responses

  1. Peta (Hayden's mum) at |

    Great work ☺

  2. Sophie at |

    Everyones models look great.

  3. Paul Luke at |

    Well done class – these models look great. Imagine living in a place where there is not much light during the day. Do you know where there are places on earth that are like this? Thanks for sharing your learning – I like reading your class blog. Regards, Mr Luke.


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